


比尔盖茨改用安卓手机 拒绝使用iPhone‘半岛·体育(BOB)官方入口’

发布时间:2024-12-23 05:08人气:
本文摘要:Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has revealed he uses an Android-powered smartphone, rather than a Windows one.微软公司牵头创始人比尔·盖茨日前透漏,他现在用于的是一台安卓手机,而非Windows手机。

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has revealed he uses an Android-powered smartphone, rather than a Windows one.微软公司牵头创始人比尔·盖茨日前透漏,他现在用于的是一台安卓手机,而非Windows手机。Recently, I actually did switch to an Android phone, he said, speaking on Fox News Sunday.他在拒绝接受《福克斯周日新闻》专访时回应:“最近,我显然转用安卓手机了。

”Microsofts own Windows-powered phones have failed to make a significant impact on the smartphone market, which is dominated by devices running Googles Android operating system.微软公司的Windows系统手机在智能手机市场上未产生根本性影响,该市场目前依旧由谷歌的安卓操作系统为主导。However, Mr Gates said he had installed lots of Microsoft apps on his phone.不过,盖茨称之为他的手机上安装了很多微软公司的应用程序。When asked whether he also had an iPhone, perhaps as a secondary device, he replied: No, no iPhone.当被问到否用于苹果手机、或者将苹果手机作为备用机时,他的问是:“不,不,不必苹果手机。”He did not reveal which particular smartphone he currently uses.此外,他未透漏自己最近用于的是哪款智能手机。

Microsoft struggled to make a success of its own mobile operating system, Windows Phone.微软公司仍然希望在其手机操作系统Windows Phone上取得成功。In 2014, the software giant paid $7.2bn (5.5bn pounds) for Nokias handset business, but Windows-powered phones accounted for fewer than 1% of global smartphone sales in 2016.2014年,这家软件巨头公司缴纳72亿美元(大约55亿英镑)并购了诺基亚的手机业务,但是2016年Windows系统手机的销售量只占到全球智能手机的将近1%。


