


微软告别戾气 不再试图消灭高新企业:半岛·体育(BOB)官方入口

发布时间:2025-02-05 05:08人气:
本文摘要:When I ran software companies in the late 1990s, my peers and I both hoped for, and dreaded, meetings with Microsoft.上世纪90年代末,当我掌理软件企业的时候,我的同行和我一方面期望与微软公司(Microsoft)会面,另一方面又惧怕与它会面。

When I ran software companies in the late 1990s, my peers and I both hoped for, and dreaded, meetings with Microsoft.上世纪90年代末,当我掌理软件企业的时候,我的同行和我一方面期望与微软公司(Microsoft)会面,另一方面又惧怕与它会面。The prospect of being acquired and making real money — that was tempting. But little fame and glory would follow. Chances were high that the technology would be bought in order to kill it; partnering and collaboration were decidedly and pointedly not the name of the game.被并购,挣到真为金白银——这样的前景十分诱人。然而,接下来会有什么名誉和荣耀。很有可能再次发生的情况是,微软公司并购该技术的目的,就是为了将其助长;合伙与合作明摆着是不不存在的。

How things have changed.今非昔比了。Since chief executive Satya Nadella was appointed in February 2014, Microsoft has become a far more open place. Many in the tech world thought the sky had fallen in when Kirk Koenigsbauer, vice-president of Microsoft’s Office 365, appeared on stage at an Apple product launch. But that was indicative of a whole new mindset: instead of trying to eliminate every other tech company on the planet, these days Microsoft wants friends. Partnerships abound: Dropbox hosts billions of Office 365 documents, while Skype and Salesforce are integrated into Office productivity apps.自2014年2月萨蒂亚纳德拉(Satya Nadella)被任命为首席执行官以来,微软公司已显得对外开放多了。当微软公司Office 365的副总裁柯克柯尼希斯鲍尔(Kirk Koenigsbauer)经常出现在苹果(Apple)产品推介会的舞台上时,技术圈的很多人都感觉太阳打西边出来了。

不过,这表明了一种全新的思维:如今,微软公司仍然企图歼灭地球上其他每一个高科技企业,它也想要交好朋友了。微软公司与许多企业达成协议了合作:Dropbox上存在大量Office 365的文档,而Skype和Salesforce也被构建入了Office的效率应用于。Acquisitions are done differently too. Where acquired businesses were once shut down, now they are tapped for wisdom and insight. Founders of acquired companies are taken seriously as entrepreneurs, their views canvassed not just about Microsoft’s products but about its culture too. Where once founders were deemed a threat, now their position as entrepreneurial outsiders is seen as an asset, an opportunity to learn and to refresh both culture and know-how.已完成并购的方式也有所不同了。


Anyone who has been part of an acquisition knows that, however strategic such moves may be, what makes them succeed or fail is how well the two cultures fit. So most companies insist that the newcomer conforms to the ways of its acquirer. Microsoft’s approach is both harder and potentially richer: recognising in its acquisitions the opportunity to reinvigorate itself and its place in the world.任何参予过并购的人都告诉,不论这种行径有怎样的战略意义,结果顺利与否都各不相同两者的企业文化否给定。因此,多数企业坚决让被收购的新来者遵守收购方的不道德方式。

微软公司的处置方法则更加艰难一些,有可能也不会带给更加多报酬:它在其并购交易中找到为自身重注活力和提振自己全球地位的机会。You could say that the cultural transformation at Microsoft has replaced fortress walls with a porous membrane: a dynamic relationship between the company and the markets it serves, because that is the only way companies stay young and relevant.可以说道,微软公司的文化转型是用透气的薄膜替换了城墙,这个透气的薄膜就是微软公司与其所服务市场间的动态关系。微软公司这么做到的原因是,这是企业维持青春和市场地位的唯一方式。

Most companies I know today are attempting something similar. Daunted by the pace of change, they are trying to become more adaptive: less obsessed with planning, more concerned with flexibility. At Microsoft, this is framed as a shift from a fixed mindset — one that depends on a few superstars — to a growth mindset, in which everyone must be open to learning from everything and from each other.如今,我理解的多数企业都在企图采行类似于作法。变革的节奏之慢令其他们惧怕,他们企图提升适应能力:仍然那么执著于规划,而是更加关心灵活性。在微软公司,这种作法被阐释为从固定式理念改向快速增长式理念。固定式理念依赖少数几位超级巨星,而在快速增长式理念下,每个人都必需不愿从任何事物和彼此身上自学。

This shift is in line with Mr Nadella’s overall strategy: one in which all technology moves to the cloud and works seamlessly with any and every kind of software. To be a company that can do this requires people who can work effectively with all kinds of technology and all kinds of people. So the company has to be inclusive — both technologically and culturally. And because the technology environment changes at a furious pace, people must be able to do likewise.这一改变合乎纳德纳的总体战略:按照该战略,所有技术都要改向云端,与任何一种软件都能无缝协作。要沦为能做这一点的企业,必须需要与各种各样的技术和人有效地协作的人才。

因此,微软公司必需具备包容性——不论是在技术上还是在企业文化上。而且,由于整个科技大环境正在急速改变,人也必需需要很快地转变自己。“Transformation has to start with you,” says Michel Van der Bel, chief executive of Microsoft UK, argues.微软公司英国首席执行官米海尔范德贝尔(Michel Van der Bel)声称:“转型必需从自身开始。

”In the past, Mr Van der Bel told me, performance was all about numbers. If the numbers were great, only at the end of a good third quarter might you start thinking about corporate culture.过去,范德贝尔曾告诉他我,业绩只与数字有关。如果数字展现出出色,只有在业绩较好的第三季度末,人们有可能才不会开始考虑到企业文化的问题。But not now. “Now,” he says, “you have to perform and transform at the same time, all the time. Sitting in your office looking at spreadsheets won’t help you meet your numbers. You have to get out, talk to partners, to customers — directly. You have to think about: what have you done differently in your behaviour that makes the company better? What are you learning?”不过,如今的情况并非如此。


你必需思维这样的问题:你对自己的不道德方式作出的什么转变让公司显得更佳了?你正在教给什么?”Mr Van der Bel carries an iPhone. It is OK to be curious and informed about other companies’ products. He is learning, he says, that for everyone else to change, they have to see change in their leaders immediately. “It starts with you. You must always show up energised and open. Annual surveys are a thing of the past; you have to get a sense of pulse on a weekly basis. I’m much more thoughtful about which meetings I attend, how I add value. You have to get out more and listen more.”范德贝尔带着一部iPhone手机。对其他公司的产品维持奇怪和理解是几乎没问题的。他说道,他正在教给的是,要想要让其他人转变,必需让他们一眼看见领导身上的变化。


你必需每周都去理解。对于我要进什么不会,如何贡献价值,我的点子更加多了。你必需更好地回头过来,更好地征询他人的意见。”No one at Microsoft believes they have got it all right and, given the task they have set themselves, change never ends. With acquisitions such as its $26bn deal for LinkedIn, no doubt the company is due another dose of honest feedback. But at least this time, Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn’s chief executive, is less likely to fear being relegated to the broom cupboard — and a lot more likely to be talking to the board.在微软公司,没有人指出自己仅有做到对了。

而且,考虑到他们为自己制订的任务,转变是总有一天会完结的。像260亿美元并购领英(LinkedIn)这样的交易,毫无疑问又不会让微软公司获得一剂诚恳的对系统。不过,最少现在领英首席执行官杰夫韦纳(Jeff Weiner)不太可能担忧被打入冷宫,更加有可能经常出现的,是他不会与微软公司的董事会对话。


